On Tuesday, March 4th, we are going to present THE STATE OF OUR UNION. We will go live at 7pm Eastern (which is 6pm Central) and will go to midnight or 1am. We will break this up into 30-minute blocks. We will have Congressional Black Caucus members, civil rights activists, voting rights advocates, labor leaders, business leaders, grassroots activists and millennials.
We will NOT carry Donald Trump’s speech. Instead, when Trump walks to the mic, we will go live to New Haven, Connecticut, where Rev. William J. Barber II will deliver OUR speech. My team will show clips of the twice-impeached, criminally convicted felon-in-chief, and we’l discuss these matters after Barber is done. Spread the word!

TO KEEP TRUMP’S RATINGS LOW, DO NOT WATCH ANY NEWS NETWORKS. I would love to have 100,000+ watching us LIVE at Youtube.com/RolandSMartin or on the Black Star Network (BSN) app. Again, please help spread the word by sharing this with your network (family, friends, church, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, etc.).
Thank you.