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Speaking Truth To Power

Writer's picture: American Baptist American Baptist

May 2, 2021

Devotional Reading: 1 John 3:23-4:3a; Deuteronomy 18:19-22

Background Scripture: 1 Kings 22:1-40

Key Verse: 1 Kings 22:14


Today’s lesson focus on two kings: Ahab (Northern Tribe) and Jehoshaphat (Southern Tribe). Ahab, whose name means, “Father’s brother,” married Jezebel who caused him to incite God’s anger more than previous kings. Jezebel’s influence overshadowed the Lord’s prophets, marred Ahab by spiritual compromise and failure. He became a prime example of evil. By contrast, Jehoshaphat, whose name means, “Yahweh judged,” was king of the Southern Tribe. He was an able ruler and faithful worshipper of Yahweh but his alliance with Ahab brought much distress to the Southern Kingdom; let us begin our journey.

I. A Sarcastic Prophecy (1 Kings 22:15-16)

Verses 15-16, Ahab was known to seek out opinions of the prophets to see if his decisions would be supported by God. One prophet was Micaiah, whom Ahab resented due to his negative reports regarding the King (Ahab). To his surprise, Micaiah supported him by telling him exactly what he wanted to hear, as did other prophets. Unfortunately, when the prophets shared God’s will with Ahab, it was pointless due to Ahab proceeding with his own desires. Therefore, telling him God’s desires was a waste of time; although Ahab sought out the prophet’s words but resolved to do it “his” own way.

II. A Sincere Prophecy (1 Kings 22:17-23)

Micaiah immediately began informing Ahab of God’s truth. His prophecy was that Israel would be scattered like sheep without a shepherd, not knowing where to go or what to do and will therefore return to their own home in peace (implying they may be better off without a leader or fighting (war) might end for a period).

Ahab seeks counsel with Jehoshaphat, two kings, vastly different (one ignores God’s instruction and the other welcomes God’s instruction. For whatever reason Jehoshaphat is now drawn into Ahab’s misdeeds. The two kings form alliance (securing northern and southern) by way of Ahab’s daughter marrying Jehoshaphat’s son. Micaiah informs that he saw the Lord sitting on his throne, surrounded by the host of heaven on his right and left. Conversation in heaven between the Lord and the host of heaven as to who will persuade Ahab to go into battle and lose his life.

Micaiah continued to state that from amongst the host, a volunteer stepped forward and expressed a willingness to accept the task of luring Ahab into battle, resulting in his death (unifying all the Kings prophets to strengthen the evidence that favored Ahab’s false hope, having victory over his enemies). The Lord giving approval is an example God’s right to judge evildoers. As we see, Micaiah’s prophecy was actual judgement against Ahab for refusing to listen to God’s instruction. What Ahab failed to realize, within this judgement was also the opportunity to admit his sinful state (idolatry, miscarriages of justice, and antipathy toward God’s prophets) and repent but he missed it, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The Lord used Ahab’s character and deference of the king’s own prophets to deceive him.

III. A Sure Prophecy (1 Kings 22:26-28)

Ahab not only refused to repent but he set in motion the incarceration of Micaiah with instructions to that he be fed bread and water until he (Ahab) returned from battle. Ahab assumed upon his return, he would expose the prophet as fake and silence him; all this work by Ahab because he did not like the prophet. Micaiah challenged the people to be witness to God’s truth, if Ahab returned then God had not spoke to him but if Ahab did not return from battle, he had in fact spoke God’s truth and will.


Throughout biblical days and today, the struggle people have relating to the truth properly is always present. Ahab was in rebellion with the truth, Jehoshaphat was inconsistent with the truth, and Micaiah was bound by the truth.

“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”

Genesis 50:20

Be Blessed,

Sis. Mary Turner

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