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The 158th Annual Session of the GABKY - Moderator's Letter

Rev. Dr. Michael Rice

Updated: Sep 4, 2023

Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the General Association!

I thank the Living God, every time I think about you and your Christ-Glorifying work in the lives of His people across the Commonwealth and Beyond.

Thank you for your support and the success of the Inaugural Pastors and Leaders Conference this year. Church registration and attendance remained as strong as we have had in the past and I am grateful for your continued support and participation. Your presence and enthusiasm demonstrated your faithfulness toward growth and fellowship. The leadership of GABKY thanks God as we navigate the post-Pandemic time of uncertainty. It is fitting that we press forward with the theme set by the Moderator’s Cabinet, “Understanding the Times” (1 Chronicles 12:32.) We trust Our Lord to guide us as we evolve to meet the challenges and opportunities of the Times, re-evaluating, restructuring and resurrecting wherever needed, the great work our beloved association.

I am excited about Our 157th Joint Annual Session to be held July 31st -August 2nd, 2023 at the Lexington Griffin Gate Marriott Golf Resort & Spa in Lexington, KY. Dr. John R. Adolph the senior pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist church of Beaumont, TX will be our Keynote speaker.

Attached is a flyer outlining the Annual Session. Please visit for registration, hotel, and banquet ticket information. We will share information when it becomes available well in advance of the Annual Session. Finally, please join us in praying for the churches and families devastated across our land and for our associational work to help restore their lives to the Glory of God.

I look forward to the fellowship in Lexington, KY this July.


Rev. Dr. Michael Rice, Moderator The General Association of Baptists in Kentucky

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